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Ali Aljuhani

Saudi Board of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Title: Orthodontics Biomechanical Control in Pediatric Patients Using NALI-I and NALI-II Appliances


Biography: Ali Aljuhani


Many of patients who are seeking orthodontic treatment are children. Most of them can be treated by pediatric dentists. The pediatric dentists as well as the orthodontists have to know the growth and development of the skull and the face, also they have to know the principles of biomechanics, so, they can deliver the appropriate treatment for the patients and achieve satisfactory results to the patients, parents and the operator him / her self.

In children, partial orthodontic appliances are used which are biomechanically different than complete orthodontic appliances. Also, the anchorage control in children is difficult and critical. Space closure should be managed with particular care. It’s difficult to use interarch mechanics with partial appliances. Most of these biomechanical difficulties can be overcome by the use of NALI-I and NALI-II appliances which aid in biomechanical control in 3 dimensions (transvers, anteroposterior, vertical) and also aid in simplifying space management.