Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 5th Annual Congress on Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Osaka, Japan.

Day :

  • Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

 I am an Iranian dentist and I got my undergraduate certification in 2015. I had the first place ( rank 1) back then. Now I am a junior orthodontics resident in Tehran. I made four articles about dentisty and I am interested in research of impacted canine and procedures to cure these kind of patients.


Introduction and Objectives: The presence of impacted canine (IC) can cause malocclusion or pathologic problems in adjacent teeth. Considering the importance of identifying the canine and its adjacent root resorption in orthodontic treatment, as well as the lack of studies, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the position of maxillary IC and adjacent root resorption (ARR) in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).

Methodology: In this study, 30 radiographic clichés were evaluated with the New Tom software. The angles between the longitudinal axis of the maxillary IC and the longitudinal axis of the central and lateral teeth adjacent to IC, and the angle between the longitudinal axis of the maxillary IC with the functional occlusal plan were measured, and then the data were analyzed for investigation the relationship between the position of maxillary IC and the ARR.

Findings: Women with the prevalence of 73.3% and the age group of 15-14 years with the prevalence of 36.7% had the most prevalent of IC. Position of IC was palatal in 80% of cases. 13.4% of the samples had degrees of ARR. In addition, age and gender had no significant correlation with the ARR, and the relationship between unilateral or bilateral of IC and ARR and relationship between position of IC and ARR were not statistically significant.

Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that the ARR of IC is independent of age, sex, unilateral or bilateral and position of impaction.


Dr. Alma is currently working as Pediatric Dentistry Senior Resident at the University of King Saud .Dr Alma also in the 4th Level of Saudi Board (Final Year). Dr Alma received her Bachelor degree of  Dental Surgery (BDS) from the Riyadh Elm University . Dr. Alma has authored a one publication in Journal of international oral health . Dr. Alma is awarded or honored by Riyadh Elm University .


Anterior crossbite is the term used to describe an abnormal labiolingual relationship between one or more maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth, Different techniques have been used to correct anterior crossbite ,This case describes the use of bonded resin-composite slopes for the management of anterior crossbite in  mixed dentition , in my case several anterior teeth were included , whereas other studies usually use a single tooth.

A case of 10 years old Girl with a crossbite of multiple incisor teeth selected for this study. An inclined composite of 3-4 mm in size with 45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the teeth , was constructed on buccal and the incisal edges of the related mandibular incisors. The occlusion was checked so that the only contact between both arches was at the level of these incisors.

Correction was achieved within 3 weeks with no damage to either the tooth or the marginal periodontal tissue.

The present results showed that, a composite inclined plane is a useful technique to correct anterior crossbite of multiple incisor teeth .The procedure is considered as a simple and effective method for treating multiple anterior dental crossbite.

Nizar Mujallid

Saudi Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Title: Delayed Replantation of Avulsed Teeth

Nizar Mujallid has completed his bacholar degree in dental surgery from King Abdulaziz University in 2011. He fiinished his Saudi Board of Pediatric Dentistry Program in 2018. He is a member and organizer in Saudi Dental Society. He is now an employee in King Fahad General Hospital.


Avulsion of permanent teeth is one of the most serious dental injuries. It is seen in 0.5–3% of all dental injuries. The maxillary central incisor is the most frequently avulsed tooth in the permanent dentition, and the most frequently involved age group is 7-10 years. Increased overjet and incompetent lips were identified as potential etiological factors in such avulsion cases. Although avulsion usually involves a single tooth, tooth-supporting tissue injuries, lip injuries, and multiple avulsions have also been documented. The success of replantation depends on the patient’s general health, the maturity of the root, the time the tooth is out of its socket, and storage medium. The period of extra-oral time and the storage medium have the most critical effect on the status of the PDL cells. Although complications like ankylosis or root resorption may be unavoidable, delayed replantation of avulsed tooth may be a good alternative to prosthesis (implant or fixed partial denture) till the growth is completed due to preservation of the alveolar bone and psychological benefit to the patient. Efforts should be made to educate and update children, teachers and parents regarding management of avulsed tooth at accident site and also the dentists regarding its management in dental office. 

Ali Aljuhani

Saudi Board of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Title: Orthodontics Biomechanical Control in Pediatric Patients Using NALI-I and NALI-II Appliances

Ali Aljuhani has completed his bacholar degree in dental surgery from King Abdulaziz University in 2010. He got master degree in health survices and hospital managment from King Abdulaziz University in 2010. Also he got a fellowship in dental implant from University of Nevada Las Vagus in 2016. In 2016 he finished externship program in dental implants at California Implant Institute. Currently, He is in the second year of Residency in Saudi Board of Orthodontic and Dentofacial Orthopedic. 


Many of patients who are seeking orthodontic treatment are children. Most of them can be treated by pediatric dentists. The pediatric dentists as well as the orthodontists have to know the growth and development of the skull and the face, also they have to know the principles of biomechanics, so, they can deliver the appropriate treatment for the patients and achieve satisfactory results to the patients, parents and the operator him / her self.

In children, partial orthodontic appliances are used which are biomechanically different than complete orthodontic appliances. Also, the anchorage control in children is difficult and critical. Space closure should be managed with particular care. It’s difficult to use interarch mechanics with partial appliances. Most of these biomechanical difficulties can be overcome by the use of NALI-I and NALI-II appliances which aid in biomechanical control in 3 dimensions (transvers, anteroposterior, vertical) and also aid in simplifying space management.